
Lords of the Sith

final_vader_sidious_cover_fltThe reception among readers for Lords of the Sith has been incredible. The book hit the New York Time Bestseller list, several other bestseller lists, has received countless excellent reviews and is now, a mere two weeks after its release, going to a third printing.

I want to thank all of you for your support and enthusiasm.  I very much appreciate it.  🙂



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Signed copies of Lords of the Sith

LordsoftheSithIf you’d like a signed copy of Lords of the Sith, here’s all you need to do:

If you live in the United States, Paypal me $32 dollars for each copy you want.  My Paypal account is paulsvantekemp@yahoo.com.  Be sure to include the pertinent details in the email (your name, address, and any dedication you’d like).

If you live outside the United States, please email me first (same email as above) and tell me … Read the rest


Del Rey acquires rights to re-issue THE HAMMER AND THE BLADE and A DISCOURSE IN STEEL

TheHammer&theBlade(corrected)As many of you know, last year I announced that Del Rey would be publishing the third and fourth Tales of Egil and Nix (A Conversation in Blood and the yet to be titled fourth installment).  The first two Egil and Nix stories, The Hammer and the Blade and A Discourse in Steel, were originally published by the excellent folks at independent publisher, Angry Robot Books.  Hammer and Discourse resonated with readers, sold … Read the rest


Full Synopsis of Lords of the Sith

LordsoftheSithI’ve been very quiet, I know.  I’m swamped with non-writing related activities.

Meanwhile, here’s the full synopsis of my next Star Wars novel, Lords of the Sith.  I like it!

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . .
When the Emperor and his notorious apprentice, Darth Vader, find themselves stranded in the middle of insurgent action on an inhospitable planet, they must rely on each other, the Force, and Read the rest


Google+ Hangout with the Sundering Six

TheSunderingOn Tuesday, October 7th, at 8PM EST (that’s tomorrow night), the authors of the Sundering series will be participating in a live Google Hangout.   Join in and ask questions of R.A. Salvatore, Ed Greenwood, Erin Evans, Troy Denning, Richard Lee Byers, and myself.

This will be open to the public worldwide via the Google Hangout page (event link here) and the D&D Youtube Channel.  I hope to see you all there.

 … Read the rest


Suffering for art is for suckers

You know that advice you sometimes see given to aspiring writers that goes like this:  “If you can quit writing, quit.  If you can’t, you’re a writer.”  I find that weird (unless you interpret it as “work your ass off,” in which case, it’s solid; I’m here interpreting it more like “Well, a real writer is called and can never quit”).

Most humans are, alas, constrained by time (except for me, being unstuck in it … Read the rest


It’s nice when this happens

TheHammer&theBlade(corrected)Sometimes readers get exactly what you tried to do with a novel and then they write it on the internet and then you are pleased. Why am I sharing this particular forum post? Well, because I like it.  And also because I don’t have anything else to blog about.

“I recently read the two Egil and Nix books by Paul S Kemp and found them really, really entertaining. The stories are played straight, not as Read the rest


It’s Mid-Week! Time to Choose Your Own Adventure!

 Wednesday stands before you, towering and ominous. Behind you lie Monday and Tuesday, their broken bodies cast like so much flotsam on the bleak shore. From behind Wednesday’s bulk you can hear the plaintive cries of Thursday and Friday, their voices small, diffident.
“Help us! We can take you to the weekend!”

Wednesday lumbers toward you, a mountain of flesh lined with sickly blue veins, a horrid, unwashed hill of stink and rage.

Do you:

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Once more with feeling: This is why I write.

Yes, I love telling stories.  Yes, earning some coin telling those stories is a wonderful thing. But telling stories that touch people and affect their lives for the better? That’s what keeps the creative tank full (I received the following last night and share it with permission):

Mr. Kemp,

A few years ago, I discovered your Erevis Cale series, and the books helped me through a very dark and turbulent time in my life. They Read the rest