
The latest in scam emails

These things really are getting ridiculous.  Just read this.  Crazy stuff.

Dearest beloved followers salutations!

My name is Dr. Paulus Kempongo and I am of the rich and have I need for trustworthy person such as you to my assistance in freeing $4,400,700USD, even now held in a lock box account with Credit Suisse London branch.

The lockbox is secure with a code developed by my late father, the honorable Zayus Kempongo, a political prisoner Read the rest


Top Five Reasons to Love the Return of Surge

Gamers and Meth Addicts rejoice, for Surge soda is back! Here, in no particular order, are the top five reasons to love the return of Surge:

5. You can shake a bottle vigorously, aim it at gamer buddies, tear off the cap, and do 2-12 points of acid damage. Alternatively, the same technique can be used to power wash your patio.


4. If you have it at the gaming table, your meth Read the rest


SpecFic is a big goddamned tent, no?

The schisms that run through SF/F, both among authors and among reviewers/readers, puzzle me.  True, lately these fault lines seem to break along Conservative/Liberal lines, but there have been other lines in the past, and there will be others in the future.  Still, it’s puzzling because the genre has enormous scope, and there’s plenty of room for any and all types of Specfic, from Libertarian-minded Military Fantasy to Socialist-minded Weird Fiction, from hardcore Grimdark to Read the rest


Torticollis, Subluxation, and Grisel’s Syndrome : Or, What Happened to Lady D?

DinhatJen and I decided to share some of the details of my daughter’s recent medical situation. We’re doing so because the condition is rare and as we were going through what I’m about to relate, we pored over the internet looking for any information that might fit the facts and help us solve Delaney’s problem.  There wasn’t much, so we decided to put this out there as an aid to any parents whose child presents … Read the rest


Lords of the Sith on-sale date changed to April 21, 2015

LordsoftheSithThe on-sale date for my next Star Wars novel, LORDS OF THE SITH, has been moved from March 5, 2015, to April 21, 2015.  The reason for the move is due to your failure in the cave.  We figured you’d want some extra time to complete your training before you face Vader.

Or it’s just ordinary course publishing release date changes for reasons inscrutable to mortals.   Hard to say.

Either way, April 21 is … Read the rest


Peaceful Coexistence? Probably not, but still….

redblueThose of you who’ve taken symbolic logic learned that in a conditional statement falsity implies anything.  One of my old professors used to love to say something like, “If the moon is made of green cheese, then pigs can fly.”  The implication of the conditional is true because the premise is false.  But both premise and conclusion are nonsense.

The purpose of teaching the concept is, among other things, to show the importance of a … Read the rest


Here, have a fictional Twitter walkthrough of The Tomb of Horrors

TohOn a lark, I fictionalized (as best I could given the constraints of Twitter) a walkthrough of the legendary Tomb of Horrors, just composing it on the fly via Tweets.  I guess I was itching to play some D&D.

Maybe it’ll remind you of some of your gaming sessions.  Certainly if you’ve played through Tomb of Horrors, you’ll recognize some references here.  🙂


Hoddypeak staggered into the village today, babbling about a lost … Read the rest