
When “It Doesnt’ Matter,” Matters.

The President has not disclosed his taxes.
SUPPORTERS: Doesn’t matter (that he may owe entities or persons who hold that debt and use that leverage to affect gov’t policy).
The President and his family have not divested of their businesses, as promised.
SUPPORTERS: Doesn’t matter (that he and his family are directly profiting from holding office, and take business from foreign entities and governments in probable violation of the Constitution’s Emolument Clause).
The President has
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Why are Second Amendment discussions so vitriolic? The NRA.

In general, when we talk about the rights secured by the Bill of Rights, we recognize both in law and in our rhetoric that the rights are not absolute. There are necessarily gradations and the gradations are reflected/embodied in statute, regulation, or case law.

Freedom of Religion isn’t absolute. The practice of one’s religion cannot physically harm others without their consent. And some states do not allow the parents of a sick child to refuse

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