Riptide signed galley giveaway

Sharing is caring!

Per usual, I’ll be giving away signed copies of the Riptide print galley (unbound) to two winners chosen by random draw.

To enter, just leave a comment to this blog entry (or the mirrored entry on my livejournal). ย  Please use a unique username and enter only once. ย  I’ll keep the contest open through August, announcing the two winners on the morning of August 31.ย  Ergo, the winners will get to read the book well in advance of the release date.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚ย  My thanks to Lucasfilm and Del Rey for letting this go forward.

I’ll cover postage to winners in the U.S., but an international winner will have to cover postage (via Paypal to me), so be aware of that before entering.ย  Apologies for that, but postage overseas can get a bit pricey.

In any event, I’ll sign the galley with whatever dedication the winners would like.

So again, if you’re interested, just leave a comment with your unique name.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚



Sharing is caring!

273 thoughts on “Riptide signed galley giveaway

  1. You are too cool for doing this. Would be cool to win this. good luck to everybody! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Pingback: Win a Free Copy of Riptide Before it’s Release! « Roqoo Depot

  3. Riptide’s release date coincides with my newest baby’s escape from the womb ( my wife hates that phrase), an unbound copy would be so much easier to read in the rocker while holding a newborn

  4. While I’ve definitely pre-ordered Riptide, I’d gladly accept a second copy. Thank you for the nice offer and opportunity Paul!

  5. Again, Paul, thank you for Jaden Korr and Crosscurrent. I’ve been into the EU for almost twenty years and this one shines. I cannot wait till Riptide releases.

  6. Well Paul it is not even out yet, but I already know that it will be a best seller. What I want to know is when are you going to sit down with George Lucas and say: “So look George, how about including the storyline for both Crosscurrent and Riptide in a season of Clone Wars. He really ripped the fans off when he canceled the tv series and these two books could have really worked there. I do not see a live action tv series based on them, but CGIf oh hell yes.

    Please sign me up for the covers, as you know from my emails over the years, I am a die hard fan of yours.

  7. wooot! if i win it would definitely use up my reserve of good luck for the year, but it’d definitely be worth it!

  8. I would love to give this to a friend of mine. This would make a magnificent treat for him.

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