Ebook versions of The Erevis Cale novels are selling well, it seems. This causes me to wonder about some things. So, in my never ending but invariably futile effort to understand the market for my novels by generalizing from anecdotes, I’d like to ask the following question. I’d be grateful if you could take a moment (either here or on LJ, where this will be mirrored) to respond with one of the numbers below in the comments (and feel free to add any additional information about your purchase that you think relevant). You do not need to log in. Anonymous comments are allowed.
So, when you purchased any books of either The Erevis Cale Trilogy or The Twilight War, did you:
1. Purchase only print versions.
2. Purchase only ebook versions.
3. Purchase both ebook and print versions of the same novel(s).
4. Purchase both ebook and print versions, but of different novels (e.g., you didn’t buy Twilight Falling in both ebook and print format, but did buy Twilight Falling in print, and Shadowbred as an ebook).
Thanks a million for taking a moment to respond.
1. I like the feel of books, the smell, texture and just having it for later or if signing opportunities arise. I will however buy them as ebooks eventually. Either when they are all a single format or they are at least transferable(able to keep them all on a hard drive and transfer to others), as well as have a good selection.
Printed versions only
I reed only book that i bought because it is like a dvd for me i whant to honed it to be abble to read it again and again and …… again!
1. I love books
BUT I just bought a Kindle since the new version is now only $140 and I plan to purchase all future book purchases on the Kindle. I very much enjoy reading on my Kindle (I find it just as good as reading a paper back) and I have the added convenience of taking all my books with me and not needing massive book shelves to store them.
1, but I’m considering buying an e-reader at which point my answer will likely be 2. I will probably only get actual hardbound books of my RPG books or as gifts. That said, I still haven’t made the leap and am not sure when or if I will.
1. It’s easier on the eyes for reading, plus its nice to be able to unplug ones self from the computer and read it where you like.
1. I purchased the print version of The Erevis Cale Trilogy and at this point in time I intend to purchase the print versions of the The Twilight War as well. However, I do not own an e-reader. If I did (and I would love to have one, funds permitting!) I would likely pick up the ebook versions instead but not both.
I’m an old librarian at heart, and will not buy an ebook, if given the choice. Reading is as much a tactile experience, as it is a mental one.
You books ROCK Paul. Just had to throw that out there.
I first purchased the most recent trilogy, and then proceeded to buy all the previous books from Amazon in print. So no e-books here for me.
I experimented with ebooks for the first time on my iPod touch and your short stories (!). I’m not sure if it has legs…the portability is nice, but flipping so often gets annoying. Plus, I much prefer the kindle app over ibooks.
But whatever format you publish in, I’ll be there.
Vote 1.
I only purchased hard-copy versions of the books. That might partially be because I don’t have an e-reader, and partially because I stare at a screen all day at work and when I’m doing my *own* writing, so it’s a relief to have an actual book to look at.
1. Purchase only print versions.
Nothing beats holding a real book in your hands!
Only print for me, don’t like ebooks.
print is the best! i like holding the book in my hands and having a nice collection on my bookshelf 😀
As a librarian in training I support literature in all its forms, but I always spend the money I could spend on an e-reader on books instead.
I have Purchased both e-book and paperback. e-book for travel and paperback for home.
Purchase only print versions.
I don’t like ebooks. But if you ask me if I did I wouldn’t pay for them. Way too easy to download ebooks and audio books for free. I just hope that some of the money I buy my hard copy with makes it to the author.
All physical books. I (and my wife) must have the tactile experience.
Only purchase print. Text in a physical books is something that I hope never goes away. This is one of those things that I believe will stand the test of technology (ie: e-books) regardless of convenience.
Keep up the spectacular work!
I have only bought the books in the paper version.
Hanging on a couch with a book in hand beats staring at a screen. And I like to disconnect from all that technology when I come home from a day of staring at a computer.
And anyway, I like the look of bookcases overflowing with books 🙂
#1. Must be paper version. e-books are a good idea but reading a book is much better than staring at a screen.
#1. I am a big fan of print books, so for me, it must be paper.
I only, and will only, buy print versions. One cannot build a library out of ebooks. I like to walk into my office and be surrounded by my books. A new book smells great, but a well cared for book smells even better years later…
I bought the books before the ebooks where offered
print and ebook versions of the same books (twilight war trilogy)
1. There is nothing like the feel and (this might make me sound weird) I love the smell of a new book…
I have only ever purchased the print versions simply because I love the feel of picking up a book and reading it, turning those pages and enjoying the tactile contact.
Printed books only… the broken binding serves as evidence against false claims that I haven’t read the books.
Only printed versions for me
I have a print version of the Erevis Cale trilogy 🙂
Love it!
1. Print versions are just more portable and can be shared easily with friends.
#1. Print for myself. Just because i love books. I love having hundreds of them scattered around. The genuine feeling of good litterature between your hands can not be manufactured into a laptop or an ipad or whatever. IMO 🙂
Paul I have bought multiple copies of both series because its just not feasible to take any type of e-book into the field.
Besides there is nothing like the smell, artwork, and feel of paper in your hands on a rainy day as well.
Now if only you could convince the publisher to give us hardbacks.
I vote 1
For one I don’t have the device to enjoy e books. I would rather have the printed cause it gives you some subsistence to read. Plus try to get an e book signed by the author and tell me how thats working out for you. I am a collector of the books I read so the printed version is for me 100%
1. I bought all of your books in print.
I would be open to buying e-books in the future, but currently don’t have anything worth putting them on. I must say there is something about turning pages that I love.
Short Answer: 1
Longer Answer: I bought book one of the Erevis Cale trilogy on my Kindle at about 2am less than a week ago, have now purchased book two and plan to purchase everything Erevis Cale and then everything Paul S. Kemp shortly thereafter… all on my Kindle, as I am ruled by my love if the infernal device, such as it is. 🙂
Hope this information helps, and I am glad to be of assistance if it does.
Steven, thanks for giving it a try. Much appreciated. 🙂
Crap… that should be “Short Answer: 2”
Fail post is fail. 🙁
I bought print of all, because I was in the store and didn’t have a Kindle. It was only recently that I realized I missed a book in the series (second book in the last trilogy) so I bought that via Kindle store.
I purchased the print versions for two reasons, first i do not own a kindle (or any ebook reader for that matter) and secondly I’m kinda old school and like having my book collection on the shelf. 🙂
Sorry I’m late to the party. For what it would have been worth, I purchased all 3 Erevis Cale books in paperback print editions. I intend to purchase the Twilight War books in print versions as well.
I buy your printed books because the feel of a book is what stimulates my mind the most. Reading online or through a nook or ipad or whatever just doesn’t do the same thing. When I read, I want to be able to eat and drink around what I am reading and with one of the electronic devices I would be paranoid about spilling something on it. Maybe it is just the gripes of a man on an hourly wage, but the feel of a book will always outclass and stimulate reading more for myself.
I have all the Erevis Cale books, and all of them are print edtitions.
1. I’ve only bought the print editions. Actually I’ve bought multiple copies of all of the Cale books and would buy them again if they came out in Hard back. Print is the only way to go.
1. I tend to stick to hard copy texts as anything technological will always seem to find a way to go haywire for me (technology just doesn’t like me).
I would add that if I weren’t always getting screwed around by tech, I would buy e-books and printed books so i have both mediums covered.
1. I purchased all your books before I had my kindle and before WotC seemed interested in putting novels on the kindle. I usually like to stick with a format if I am collecting. So in the future, I will probably look for them in meat space first.
On second thought, I did purchase your collection of short stories on Kindle. By you, true, but not part of the Realms saga you are twisting. I also was unaware of the book until I saw it on your website, so I just bought it as soon as I could turn my Kindle on.
I have purchased your Star Wars book in paperback. If you begin to release hard covers (that are not collector’s editions like the Omnibi) then I will probably buy a Kindle Edition (for price and ease of carrying). I would buy a hard cover if it more than the Kindle price if the price difference was less than a dollar, or contained detailed maps and/or illustrations.
I bought them all in print.
However if they are willing to release Godborn early in ebook form then i would buy it…and then buy the print version when it comes out in 2012
1 but when I get my e-reader I will get that version too
I’ve bought each book in paperback, and when I was recently rereading the series in preparation for Godborn I couldnt find all of my books. I bought them as ebooks for my kindle.
Both are fine for me. Ebooks are nice because you cannot lose them.
I bought all the books in paperback. I like the idea of ebooks, but my reading includes having a real book in my hands
Definitely #1. I haven’t been able to adjust to reading text on-screen for pleasure. I guess I spend too much time doing it as work.
I love your stories. Thank you.
1 and always will
1, but probably I will buy e-books in future. It’s hard to take at least six novels everywhere with yourself…