Deceived signed ARC giveaway

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I have three bound advance reader copies of my forthcoming Star Wars novel, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived. I want to sign them and give them away.

I will pick three recipients at random from all of those who leave a comment to this blog entry, whether at or at the mirrored entry on my livejournal. Please use your name or a distinct username and enter only once.  You do not need to register for anything to leave a comment (anon comments are enabled).  I will announce the three winners on January 24, at which time they will need to send me an email with their mailing address and any personalization instructions.

You can read excerpts from the book by clicking here. And, because one can never see this enough, here is the Deceived cinematic trailer.

Sharing is caring!

300 thoughts on “Deceived signed ARC giveaway

  1. I’m having almost as much fun waiting for swtor to come out as I will actually playing it, and reading the novels is a big part of that. Thanks for all your work!

  2. I absolutely cannot wait to read this book. I read the first two chapters already….AMAZING! I have so many burning questions! Cheers, bro!

  3. I’m looking forward to read this so much. Reading about the stories leading up to the events in the old republic are keeping me calm while waiting for stwor to come out. Books having direct relation to the game is even better. I can’t wait.

  4. Deceived Chapters 1-3 was some of the best reading that I’ve had for a Star Wars Novel since the Darth Bane Trilogy, amazing work on making the characters feel real and alive Kemp!

  5. I am looking forward to this book, so much so that this book will be the first novel I have read in over 18 years!

  6. For some strange reason I thought the book was out in Dec. I went to B&N to my disappointment I will have to wait longer to jump into this novel.

    I can’t wait!

  7. Amazing that you’re actually giving away three awesomified versions of this book, it’d be really cool to win one, and I’m sure most here agree. And if I don’t win, I guess I’ll just wait until it arrives in Europe and buy it then. 😉

  8. Pingback: Deceived ARC giveaway in the home stretch « Paul S. Kemp, Fictioneer

    • It’s currently pretty cold here, so just a heads-up. Your Tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker.

  9. After reading Crosscurrent, which i had said id never read another starwars book beforehand, I dont think id mind having to pick up a copy even if i dont win this! but hey man, keep up the great work

  10. Judging from the excerpts i read so far, this is going to be an awesome book. Great job Paul, keep it up.

  11. Wow… This sounds cool and I love the history of the world that I’ve seen, read and played through thus far. I really respect any writer that has to deal with trying to conform to this timeline and setting because it’s VERY stringent. So thanks in advance 🙂

  12. I love what I’ve seen of Deceived so far… Darth Malgus seems like an excellent villain to spotlight. Crosscurrent was the first SW novel I looked forward to in years and it did not disappoint.

  13. With TOR coming out soon, it would be great to get a headstart on the background lore, the previews were great!

  14. I’m looking forward to this. I love all things Star Wars. I love The old republic is my favorite time period. Any book , game, anything really I can get my hands on is a plus.

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