Deceived excerpts

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For those who may be interested, has posted Chapter One from my forthcoming novel, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived.

Meanwhile, has posted Chapter Two, and has posted Chapter Three.  Please go forth, click, and read.

The excerpts give you a feel for the three main characters — Darth Malgus, who needs no introduction; Zeerid Korr, a former soldier in Havoc Squadron who is now reduced to smuggling;  and Aryn Leneer, a Jedi Knight and onetime apprentice to Master Ven Zallow.

I hope you enjoy.  🙂

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9 thoughts on “Deceived excerpts

  1. Pingback: December 17, 2010 « Paul S. Kemp, Fictioneer

  2. You wouldn’t believe how delighted I was to wake up this morning and see that an entire 3 chapters from Deceived were available for me to read!!! I can’t thank you enough. I was really upset with the delay because I was very excited for this book, but now I think I can stomach the wait. I enjoy your work very much and I’m eagerly anticipating the release of Deceived…already got it pre-ordered. Best of luck with everything!

  3. Excellent! Just finished reading Chapter 3. Really good stuff. I keep double checking the library catalogs to make sure they order a copy. Or maybe I’ll just skip placing a hold and go straight to the store 🙂 Anyway, I really like how you’re developing Malgus’s personality. Its interesting to see how he’s different from already created Sith (palpatine, bane, vader, etc). Can’t wait for more!

  4. Pingback: Deceived signed ARC giveaway « Paul S. Kemp, Fictioneer

  5. Pingback: SWTOR Explorer » Blog Archive » Deceived signed ARC giveaway

  6. So tempted to read the release of the chapters that are out…. But I’ll wait for the complete book. I’ll go crazy if I only get a sliver and not the whole pie.

    Really looking forward to this book, can’t wait.

  7. Pingback: Star Wars news roundup « Paul S. Kemp, Fictioneer

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