The Deceived
ARC giveaway contest is concluded. There were nearly 400 entrants. My sincere thanks to everyone who entered. I appreciate the enthusiasm a great deal. I’d give away more ARCs if I had them, but three is all I have.
So, without further ado, the three winners are:
1. Dookus Maximus
2. Swsquadleadr327
3. Sean Smith
Congrats! I need each of the winners to email me (at paulsvantekemp at yahoo dot com) with their respective mailing address and any personalization instructions.
Again, my thanks to all of you who entered. I’ll be signing copies of the hardcover book after its release via the usual methods. And I learned today that you can get a copy of the book for a mere dollar if you joined the Science Fiction Book Club (I don’t know what joining might obligate you to do, but I thought I’d mention it because hey, it’s a buck).