Age of Legend

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As I mentioned before, I was able to scratch an itch I’ve had for a long time by finally writing a story set in The World of Warhammer.  In the process, I was able to work with Christian Dunn, which I’ve also wanted to do for a long while.  Color me lucky.

In any event, the short story I wrote, A Small Victory, will appear in the anthology Age of Legend, which will be available on December 27th.   The anthology, set in the eponymous Age of Legend, features a Table of Contents that includes a long list of Warhammer stalwarts, and two Warhammer newbies: Paul S. Kemp and Phil Athans.   I hope you’ll check it out, and if you do, I hope you dig A Small Victory.

Interestingly, Black Library not only sells the entire anthology in print and ebook format, but it also sells the individual stories of the anthology as e-singles, which I think is very cool.  A Small Victory as e-single is available here.


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6 thoughts on “Age of Legend

  1. Pingback: Age of Legend Release Date Moves Forward « Roqoo Depot

  2. Hello Paul,

    I’ve never read anything Warhammer. Do you think I would have any issues starting with this anthology?

    • Seth, I couldn’t speak to other stories in the antho. For mine, you don’t need to know anything about Warhammer.

  3. I’m wondering the same thing as Seth. I’ve never touched a Warhammer novel. Is it sort of a darker fantasy?

    • It is darker fantasy, yes. The world is gritty, decadent, and the mutating force of Chaos and its minions are an ever present threat.

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