As you can see, Ephemera, my ebook short story collection, now has new and improved cover art (I don’t think the new art has filtered through to all ebook retailers just yet, but it is up on Amazon). I really like it. For those of you who’ve read Ephemera, the cover is inspired by the first story of the collection, The Signal.
I’ve decided to take self-publishing (or indie publishing, if you prefer) more seriously from now on, and that means investing in excellent, eye-catching cover art. I think it makes a lot of sense for an author with my traditionally published background to pursue self-publishing in select cases, particularly where a book I want to write doesn’t fit-in well with traditional publishers. So later this year or early next I intend to self-publish Azazel, my supernatural thriller (which I excerpted here). I think you’ll enjoy it and I hope you’ll give it a read at that time (and in the interim, I hope you’ll give Ephemera a read).
Of course, I’ll be pursuing opportunities in traditional publishing as well, with Riptide, Godborn, a couple anthology invites, and the (still untitled) Star Wars hardcover duology on the near term horizon. Things also look good at the moment for the non-tie-in sword and sorcery novel my agent is shopping. I hope to have news to share about that in early May.
This two-pronged approach (publishing both indie and traditionally) fits my situation well, given the state of the market and the stage of my career. We’ll see how it all shakes out.
I’m preparing a self-publishing venture myself, Paul. Good luck! I look forward to future updates.
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