As some of you know, a week before the release of A Discourse in Steel, some clever, amusing rake (and by “clever, amusing rake” I mean “asshole”) uploaded an unauthorized copy of the novel to Amazon, via Amazon’s Kindle Direct Program, and tried to charge for it. As asshole antics go, that’s pretty funny. And by “pretty funny,” I mean “not funny at all and very much a dick move.”
My publisher and I took immediate steps to get the book taken down, but the process seemed to scramble Amazon’s systems a bit (and maybe Barnes and Noble’s, too) such that the ebook release of Discourse was delayed.
That issue appears to be resolved, at least as to Amazon. The Kindle version of Discourse is available for download as of today. Huzzah! The Nook version is, alas, a couple weeks away yet, but it’s coming.
Just an FYI.
I had pre-ordered a while ago and just got my Kindle version download from Amazon today. Yay! Can’t wait to dig into the new book. Paul thanks so much for providing many hours of enjoyment from your books. I’m a huge fan of your work.
Thanks, Nick. I hope you enjoy.
Not on ibooks when I checked yesterday, either. Do you know if ibooks is planning on carrying it?
I think not, John. Sorry.
No problem. Best wishes on the book. And depending on how that fellow gained an unauthorized copy of the book, he might have criminal exposure. For example, it is a federal crime to make unauthorized access, or to exceed authorized access, to “protected” computers. Perhaps worth a thought.
I just finished the new book yesterday. Like the first, it was well worth the money. I’d certainly pay for hard cover editions if they decide to do that. Perhaps you could stop doing everything else in your life and just start pumping out Egil and Nix stories? Seriously, I really like your work in the Realms, but these characters are your very best. I laugh out loud at some of their dialogue. Thanks for creating these guys and telling some excellent adventures.
Thanks, Joe. Really appreciate that.
A fellow lawyer (which is bad). A fan of all of your novels (which is good). I agree with the previous poster – Discourse in Steel was excellent!
THanks a lot, Dave. Really appreciate that.