When “It Doesnt’ Matter,” Matters.

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The President has not disclosed his taxes.
SUPPORTERS: Doesn’t matter (that he may owe entities or persons who hold that debt and use that leverage to affect gov’t policy).
The President and his family have not divested of their businesses, as promised.
SUPPORTERS: Doesn’t matter (that he and his family are directly profiting from holding office, and take business from foreign entities and governments in probable violation of the Constitution’s Emolument Clause).
The President has placed members of his family into roles for which they have neither the experience nor the education to competently perform.
SUPPORTERS: Doesn’t matter (that American interests can and likely will be harmed by putting inexperienced persons in charge of delicate policy issues — I’m looking at you Kushner — not to mention making accountability difficult, which is why corporations have anti-nepotism policies).
The President advances wild conspiracy theories even after they’ve long been debunked.
SUPPORTERS: Doesn’t matter (that many uninformed Americans believe what this President says and so come to believe the false conspiracy theories, doing damage to civic culture).
The President constantly, brazenly lies, saying easily disprovable things, then doubles down or pretends he didn’t say them when called on it.
SUPPORTERS: Doesn’t matter (that POTUS’s word can mean nothing, and that his constant lying has the net-effect of keeping many Americans misinformed thereby doing damage to the very concept of truth).
And I could go on a long time.
It matters. It all matters. And those who continue to excuse, rationalize, justify, and support this manifestly incompetent man, who is unsuited entirely for the office he holds, are doing lasting damage to the country.

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